
Friday, 28 May 2010


Right. It's been a while... again... and a few nice things have happened. Then a few less nice things have happened. I kind of don't want to write one giant confused blog entry about all those things, cause I am a neat and tidy person, as you all well know.

But then again, I am too busy these days to plan things through (or write more often), so here is the rest of May in one giant confused blog entry:

Oh yes, the table.

So, my parents bought a table. That is big news, because they've been talking about doing this since we moved into this flat. That was in *tries to remember* 1998.

Lots of things happened that year. My brother started school, my mum had to go to hospital, I bought my first and last pair of high heels. (Don't remember what my dad was doing. Probably celebrating Lautern winning the German championship.)

It is probably only my family that needs 12 years to buy a table. (Once it took my aunt 2 years to decide on a bike and when she finally went there to buy it, it was gone. I don't know if she has decided on another one, yet.)
Then again, it is the first table my parents ever bought (anyone who's ever been to our flat might have realised that most of our furniture is flea market stuff...) and obviously they want to think it through properly and buy the perfect table.

They ended up buying one they saw in a catalogue and it has a spot where the varnish is missing. My mum is very unhappy with it. I like it, cause for the past 24 years I was the one who always had a table leg between her legs. So I am quite excited about my new leg room and can't stop moving my feet while eating.

Other than that I haven't been very active lately. I had planned on going to uni by bike all the time and going for lovely long walks on the weekends, but somehow the Weather Gods destroyed those plans. That was one rainy May...

Except for the weekend when it was important that it wouldn't rain: Yayay! Ros came over for a couple of days and we did get to sit in beer gardens and parks a lot and get a little sun burned. (Fank you, St Peter...) At one point I spilled ten beers at once. That is my new record and I am very proud of it.

Next month more exciting things will happen. Tomorrow evening for example I will go to London to have a late night pint with my girlfriend and maybe buy a new bag. And then we will go to a festival in Yorkshire, which I am looking forward to a LAAAWT.

Also the World Cup will start. I am getting ready for it. I washed my Germany-Shirt and put all the Germany games in my imaginary calendar.

the same weekend it starts, though, the big flea market in Konstanz is taking place. I can't WAIT to go there, cause I haven't been in years. And it is the bestest flea market ever. It is. (Apart from the beer stalls close at 11 pm...)

So yeah, I am quite excited about June. Hau rein!

Sunday, 16 May 2010


Also, inzwischen habe ich eine neue EC-Karte. Mein Pin ist mir noch nicht wieder eingefallen. Wäre ja auch zu schön gewesen... Habe jetzt angefangen, mir aufzuschreiben, welche Zahlenkombinationen es alles nicht sind. Ich find's irendwie voll den scheiß Service, dass die einem nicht einfach nen neuen Pin geben, wenn man an den alten nunmal nicht mehr ran kommt. Ein neuer kostet 25€! Ja klar... dann brauch ich auch keinen neuen Pin mehr, wenn ich euch meine 25€ geb. Zum Abheben hab ich dann eh nix mehr. Haha!

Ansonsten regnet's immernoch. Ich liebe Maibowle, aber es macht keinen Spaß, sie zu trinken, wenn man das Gefühl hat, es sei November. Liebes Wetter, du hast jetzt 5 Tage Zeit um dich zu verbessern. Sonst heißt's: Durchgefallen, nochmal von vorn das ganze Jahr. (Oh... grad ne interessante Idee für eine Kurzgeschichte gehabt...)

Tja... ihr seht ja, mit meiner Stimmung ist es zur Zeit nicht allzuweit her. Mich deprimiert dieses Wetter so unglaublich, ich würde am liebsten den ganzen Tag nur auf der Couch sitzen und nichts tun. Nicht mal lesen, nicht mal fernsehn, nur Decke über den Kopf und Schlaftabletten schlucken.

Und da wo ich ohnehin die ganze Zeit lieber wäre scheint auch noch ununterbrochen die Sonne vom Himmel auf all die Britischen blassen Gesichter und wie ungerecht ist das denn bitte?

Ich will weinen, aber sowas mach ich ja nicht mehr.


Wednesday, 12 May 2010

On Bohemians

Okay, genug von Fußball (für nen Monat).

The last couple of days have been rather... stormy. In different ways. So I tried to maintain the boringness of my life by doing laundry and dishes and homework.

I spent a lot of time in my bed reading. For example I read a novel by Willa Cather about Bohemian pioneers in Nebraska, which she wrote in 1913, I think.

At one point she lets the farm boy Emil say: "What did you ever burn John Huss for anyway? It's made an awful row. They still jaw about it in History class."
And his Bohemian friend Marie answers: "We'd do it all over again, most of us. Don't they tell you in your history classes that you'd all be heathen Turks if it hadn't been for the Bohemians?"

Well, it confused me, cause it wasn't the Bohemians who burnt Huss (who was Czech himself, innit), it was the people of Konstanz. And I know that, because I grew up about 200 meters from the place where the poor guy was burnt at the stake in 1415. And if Emil is annoyed by still having to learn about it in 18something I can only say that another 150 years later there's still lots and lots of little Czech grandmas coming to Konstanz every year, bringing flowers and weeping bitterly, as if they'd been close friends of John Huss himself.

Sorry for that excursion. Reading those two sentences just was one of the more exciting things happening this week.

Even excitingererrr, though, was my friend Rebecca visiting on the weekend! We were lucky with the weather and actually could enjoy a few sunny moments with white wine at the lake. Was lovely!

And then on Wednesday it all got a little too exciting, actually, when I met my friend Anja for cocktails and beers and more beers and tequilla and I lost my First-Day-in-London-ever-bag with a mobile and a wallet and keys and my London map in it. (I always take the London map everywhere. Just incase.)And then I got in a proper fight with a big dark haired guy who I hopefully will never meet again. I am thinking about growing my hair out and dying it blonde and maybe getting a nose job done, so he won't recognise me so easily. There's such few people in Konstanz. And as we've learned that they like to burn people alive from time to time I probably should be a bit cautious from now on...

That's all the news for now. My weekend doesn't look very promising. Plans so far: work on Saturday and a big band concert on sunday, so basically: stress and jazz. Urgh.

Next weekend will be lovelier, though. Ros is coming over for a short visit and we are going to sit in beer gardens and plan our summer holidays, which will involve bikes and camp fires and tents and a lake.

Kann kaum erwarten, dass es endlich richtig Sommer wird - aber morgen is ja schon die Kalte Sophie und danach kann's ja nur besser werden... :)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Der Betze BRENNT

Liebe Fans und Freunde,

seit nunmehr 12 Jahren (damals war ich 12 - oh Gott!) warte ich darauf, dass der Betzenberg (- der für mich immer der Betze bleiben wird, auch wenn ich Fritz Walter natürlich sehr verehre, aber "die roten Teufel vom Betzenberg" klingt einfach besser als "die roten Teufel aus dem Fritz-Walter-Stadion") in Flammen auf geht, weil seine Teufelchen eine Radfelge verliehen bekommen. Man mag das Ding nich unbedingt als "Meisterschale" betiteln können, wie das ähnliche Ding, was die Bayern (langweilig...) mal wieder nach München verschleppt haben... aber es lässt mein kleines rotes Herzchen doch ein bißchen höher schlagen...
Um die Zeit vor zwei Jahren saß ich in Julie's Hängematte im Vortex und hatte Köln sehr lieb, weil sie uns mit einem sehr halbherzigen Spiel ihrerseits vor der dritten Liga bewahrt haben. DRITTE LIGA - *zuckt zusammen*
Ja und jetzt... jetzt hisse ich zwar keine roten Fahnen auf dem Balkon und zwinge meinen kleinen Bruder den 1.FCK-Fanpullover anzuziehen, wie damals, 1998... aber immerhin hab ich selbst mal wieder mein Original-Trikot rausgekramt und erlaube mir von nem 5. Titel zu träumen... Immerhin sind wir die einzige Mannschaft, die je als Aufsteiger Meister wurde, damals unter König Otto, alias Rehakles.. (damals übrigens auch den Bayern die Meisterschale abgenommen... Muharrharr) - warum soll das nicht nochmal drin sein?!

So, verzeiht diesen Exkurs in die Fußballwelt (der zweiten deutschen Liga) - ich weiß, keiner von euch hat dafür auch nur einen Pups übig (und wenn ihr einen habt, behaltet den.). Aber meine Freude ist groß und auch wenn's keiner hören will:


PS: Freu mich übrigens auch für St Pauli - besser hätt's ja echt kaum laufen können in der zweiten Liga... :-)

Friday, 7 May 2010


Right. RIGHT. It's been a week and even though my eyes hurt and the last seven days were rather boring I feel like I need to write something now or this blog will fall asleep and never wake up again.

Why do my eyes hurt? Because I didn't take my contacts out last night.
Why did I not take them out? Because I got home so pissed off my face that I actually do not remember getting home, just waking up rather nakedly curled up in a little corner of my bed with two Italian guys staring in my windows. They were painting the house, I think. I hope.

According to Alexa's facebook status the two of us had a fun night full of wine and beer last night and my hurty head proves it.
It was the first fun night out I had since Sunday, when I went for a couple of games of pool with Jules and generously let her win them all.

The rest of the week I stayed in, went to bed early and read a lot of literarily valuable books.

Today, seeing as I felt like a piece of marzipan someone accidentally put in their mouth, chewed a few times and then spit out again, I just stayed in bed and watched films and drank lots of water and followed the UK elections. I don't really know much about their political system (I don't even know much about the German system, to be honest. I am a bad citizen.), but I like election days. They excite me. Especially when it's all about the future of a country I might want to move to before the next elections take place. And well... yeah... the results of this election didn't change my mind about that, at least.

Tomorrow my friend Rebecca is coming and the plan is to sit at the lake, laugh and drink white wine out of the bottle. And I don't care that google weather says it will be 16 degrees and rain.
So... looking forward to that!

But now I will put on my grumpy-but-gorgeous-pyjama-bottoms, just incase Italian painters are working saturdays and lay my little head down and sleep.