
Friday, 30 July 2010

unhappy hair day

I'm not very fussy when it comes to my hair. Usually. But I like looking older than 11, so that I can buy beer. And despite all the gayness I like looking vaguely female, too. Right now, though, I look like a four year old boy. With breasts (which just makes it more awkward.)
I haven't been this unhappy with a haircut since that girl with the pink hair used a hair straightener on me and dyed my fringe blond.
I wish it was Christmas and Santa would bring me hair restorer. I wish I owned more hats. Maybe I'll just shave it all off and get a tattoo on the back of my head. Suggestions?

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Life is good, like.

I have been back from London for almost a week now and it was AMAZING. It was a really short visit, but Ros and I crammed a lot of fun stuff in. Like a visist to the lady's pond at Hampstead Heath and expensive beer in Camden Town. And amazing lime sorbet at Marina Ice Cream (Best Ice Cream Place in London!) and then of course on Saturday it was Pride. I love Pride. I wish it was Pride more often. Like once a week. I want to see gay poeople in public and sit around Soho Square drinking cider all day. Compared to last year's Cologne Pride London Pride was a little less well organised and the parade wasn't quite as exciting (Cologne probably is just the best place for parades in Europe...). No one threw condoms around and amazing costumes were rare. But for me it was still more fun, cause there were lots of lovely people and everyone was nice to everyone (and I'm not really in a need for condoms anyway), while in Cologne people gave you wary glances and no one would talk to each other. Germans are so unsociable sometimes. Someone should take all of Britain's gays and put them into Cologne Pride some time. I love Pride so much, that I actually didn't really mind missing the first half of the Germany-Argentina game. But I am quite glad that I got to see the second half with a few British and German people in a little pub at Leicester Square, cause that was amazing.

Screw the world cup post, tho.

Cause while the football went a little wrong there, the other day, life is good.
I bought a lot of things, which made me really happy. (That makes me feel a little materialistic. Oh, well.)

I bought the following:

1. A new wallet. It is real leather and a very dark green. It has two pockets for notes, so I can have all my pounds in one and all my euros in another. It has a lot of pockets, which are perfect for all my credit cards and it has a special pocket for my ID-card. It looks a lot nicer than my old brown corduroy wallet, which I loved a lot, tho. I bought it six years ago for 2,50 at Primark. It was nice in the beginning, but lately it made me feel like a proper tramp, no matter how much money was in it.

2. A new bag. After losing my little black army bag I have been looking for a nice little new bag for weeks and weeks. I even made Ros come to Camden town with me, but while you can get pretty much everything else there, they seem to be unaware of the existance of little black army bags. (They know them in Notting Hill, tho, that's where I bought the last one.)So today I took my courage in both hands and entered The Scary Shop here in Konstanz. It sells whips and DocMarten's boots and knives and anything that is black and has spikes on it. I expected to meet huge bald men with nose rings and tattoos on their foreheads, but turns out an old lady in a flowery blouse owns the shop. She was very friendly and spoke in rhymes and she sold me the exact same bag I had lost for a tenner. HAPPYFACE

3. Lights for my bike! I can now cycle around town in the middle of the night without constantly watching out for police cars, which is quite relaxing.

4. A Tent! I am excited about this. It is the first house I ever bought. It looks exactely like the one on the picture below. Only the white is grey, really. Jules helped me to set it up in her living room earlier and it is bigger than I expected it to be. (A little too big for a living room, actually.) The front porch is, anyway. Doesn't matter, it is lovely and I will move in in early August together with Ros when we go on our bike adventure around the lake.

Now I am a bit skint. Also cause I spent a shitload of money at an amazing Ska/Rock concert the other day. It was fun. It started with Julia and me getting pissed and moshing around with sweaty big men and it ended with us jumping into the lake in our underwear and getting more pissed.
Now I will have to be very good and drink only cheap, cheap booze for a few weeks, cause I am planning on amazing two months August+September. CAN'T BLOODY WAIT!