
Sunday, 1 August 2010

How do you even pronounce "Tumblr"?

So, it is August. Switzerland is going wild with fireworks in my backyard. It is pissing down with rain. I had 2 bottles of Beck's Gold and am quite ashamed of it. And I just accidentally opened a tumblr account. Yes.

I hadn't even been on a fecking tumblr page in my life. And then I was bored and reading advices on (cause I am gay and need advice on it, obviously) and accidentally clicked on someone named "melodicmischiefwithgoodcause" who, on her tumblr blog tells the world how she has worn a bikini and had fast food and painted her nails black and 97 other daring things and how she REALLY DOESN'T CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS ABOUT HER NOW. So in my mind I went "aww" and wanted to be 16 and overly melodramatic again and so kept clicking on more and more tumblr accounts and then, all of a sudden was asked for my password and my email address. And now I have a tumblr account. Cause you don't really have to register, see, you just have to give them your email address once.

I don't know what to tumblr. (Do you use "tumblr" as a verb?)

Most people, I've noticed, use their tumblr blog to post pictures of either Tegan off Tegan and Sara or a piglet/piglets and then put quotes under it like "The recovery of a lost sould begins with the finding of your own." Aha. Yes.

I can do that.
But maybe I'll just try to find the button that will delete my account and click it. By accident.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Hab deinen ganzen Blog grad gefunden und ab dem ersten Eintrag an einem Abend durchgelesen. Ich mag die Art, wie du schreibst. Warum hört dein Blog hier auf? Gibt es einen Teil II?
    Würd mich freuen :)
