
Wednesday 12 May 2010

On Bohemians

Okay, genug von Fußball (für nen Monat).

The last couple of days have been rather... stormy. In different ways. So I tried to maintain the boringness of my life by doing laundry and dishes and homework.

I spent a lot of time in my bed reading. For example I read a novel by Willa Cather about Bohemian pioneers in Nebraska, which she wrote in 1913, I think.

At one point she lets the farm boy Emil say: "What did you ever burn John Huss for anyway? It's made an awful row. They still jaw about it in History class."
And his Bohemian friend Marie answers: "We'd do it all over again, most of us. Don't they tell you in your history classes that you'd all be heathen Turks if it hadn't been for the Bohemians?"

Well, it confused me, cause it wasn't the Bohemians who burnt Huss (who was Czech himself, innit), it was the people of Konstanz. And I know that, because I grew up about 200 meters from the place where the poor guy was burnt at the stake in 1415. And if Emil is annoyed by still having to learn about it in 18something I can only say that another 150 years later there's still lots and lots of little Czech grandmas coming to Konstanz every year, bringing flowers and weeping bitterly, as if they'd been close friends of John Huss himself.

Sorry for that excursion. Reading those two sentences just was one of the more exciting things happening this week.

Even excitingererrr, though, was my friend Rebecca visiting on the weekend! We were lucky with the weather and actually could enjoy a few sunny moments with white wine at the lake. Was lovely!

And then on Wednesday it all got a little too exciting, actually, when I met my friend Anja for cocktails and beers and more beers and tequilla and I lost my First-Day-in-London-ever-bag with a mobile and a wallet and keys and my London map in it. (I always take the London map everywhere. Just incase.)And then I got in a proper fight with a big dark haired guy who I hopefully will never meet again. I am thinking about growing my hair out and dying it blonde and maybe getting a nose job done, so he won't recognise me so easily. There's such few people in Konstanz. And as we've learned that they like to burn people alive from time to time I probably should be a bit cautious from now on...

That's all the news for now. My weekend doesn't look very promising. Plans so far: work on Saturday and a big band concert on sunday, so basically: stress and jazz. Urgh.

Next weekend will be lovelier, though. Ros is coming over for a short visit and we are going to sit in beer gardens and plan our summer holidays, which will involve bikes and camp fires and tents and a lake.

Kann kaum erwarten, dass es endlich richtig Sommer wird - aber morgen is ja schon die Kalte Sophie und danach kann's ja nur besser werden... :)

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